
Collaboration with Eurydice

The Department of Higher and Tertiary Education is the main provider of information regarding Higher Education in Cyprus to Eurydice. Eurydice is an institutional network for gathering, monitoring, processing, and circulating reliable and readily comparable information on education systems and policies throughout Europe. Its output is widely available and consists of publications distributed in print and over the internet. They focus primarily on the way education in Europe is structured and organized.

Over the last few years the Department of Higher and Tertiary Education of the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth has provided information and worked toward the completion of the following publications:

  • The Organization of the Academic Year in Higher Education - 2007/2008
  • Decision-making, Advisory, Operational and Regulatory Bodies in Higher Education
  • European Glossary on Education – Educational Institutions
  • Focus on the Structure of Higher Education in Europe – National Trends in the Bologna Process
  • Key Data on Education in Europe
  • National Summary Sheets
  • Structures of Education, Vocational Training and Adult Education Systems in Europe
For more information, visit Eurydice Website.